
In a time where Criminal Justice Reform has become a focal point of the American judicial system, the story of Darwin Geovanny Godoy is not only about the need for reform but of personal transformation combined with redemptive and restorative justice. Freedom4darwin fights to see Darwin prison-free yet it also aspires to change the minds and hearts of a sometimes desensitized society with a stereotypical view of prisoners.

Finding Meaning Throught the ValleyTo get an authentic view of Darwin’s character we invite you to browse and see the letters from Correctional Officials who write about his transformative journey. The institutional achievements you will see demonstrates his spirit of perseverance despite being in prison continuously since 1997 when he was just 20-years-old. In addition, Darwin writes profoundly and inspirationally about his adverse experiences of prison living in the published book, Finding Meaning through the Valley. As you browse, we also share Darwin’s first art exhibition held at the Embassy of Ecuador in Washington, D.C.

In the words of judge Power-Forde, “Hope is an important and constitutive aspect of the human person … prisoners carry within themselves the capacity to change … to deny them the experience of hope would be to deny a fundamental aspect of their humanity and, to do that, would be degrading”. Concurring opinion in Vinter and Others v. United Kingdom, European Court of Human Rights, July 9, 2013.

Darwin remains hopeful for a prison-free tomorrow. We share with you his story because we know that a truth well-lived is greater than a truth well-stated. We welcome your solidarity and invite you to join our efforts for Darwin’s return home. Thank you for visiting this site.